Return of the Living Dad

A blog about parenting, life, and all the shit in between.

I'm a Dad. Yes, it's like a zombie movie.

A parent blog for people who spend 50% of their time sick, 20% handling tantrums, 15% buying groceries, 10% cleaning, 4% doing laundry, and 1% sleeping.

Graffit wall art

Not your usual parenting stuff

Everything you thought you wanted to know about being a parent and kids that is NOTHING like it really is or what the world or other parents at daycare/school tell you.



I have two beautiful, unique, creative, amazing, difficult, defiant, persistent, determined, and funny boys. I am thankful for them every day. I am also destroyed by them every day.

Prince Collection Concierge
Prince Collection Concierge

How it all began

It all started as a way to process the insanity happening in my life. It morphed into a way to remember the insanity happening in my life. It morphed further into a way to laugh (like in a just to keep from crying kind of way) at the insanity happening in my life. Then it grew into this.