Dad. Coder. Musician. And one or two other things.

I'm Andrew. I'm a musician, web developer, designer, and writer, I'm also a Dad. It's the single greatest challenge I've undertaken as a human.

About ROTL

Going to space, sustainable energy, climate action, curing diseases - these are all great things. Hard things. But none of them involve a screaming, defiant, tantrumming child. And no sleep.

Now I'm not saying, you know, outright, that parenting is harder than engineering a rocket to go to Mars. I'm just saying, that engineering a rocket to go to Mars is easier than parenting. Because engineering a rocket to go to Mars doesn't require you to wrestle an angry, screaming, wriggling, kicking, punching, crying, whining toddler into a car seat he doesn't want to go into. And THEN taking that same angry, screaming, wriggling, kicking, punching, crying, whining toddler for a quiet, calming drive to get groceries. Engineering a rocket to go to Mars must be done in a quiet room. With no kids of any kind. Within 100 kilometers. Oh, and you also need sleep.

Two dinosaur toys appearing as brothers.

I have two beautiful, unique, creative, amazing, difficult, defiant, persistent, determined, and funny boys.

I am thankful for them every day. I am also destroyed by them evey day. And it is this destruction that fuels my writing. This blog is an outlet to rant about my life and experience as a Dad. But it's also, I hope, something that might give other parents like me out there a bit of ease, a bit of support, knowing that the reality belies the internet. Raising kids is brutal. It's f*#$ed.


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